
A Holistic Myofascial Balancing Treatment.

What is Somassage®?

Somassage® is a stand-alone, specialized form of bodywork that addresses the full-body organization of the myofascial system while recognizing the unique qualities of each individual. Specific depth and directionality are utilized to advance the human structure toward optimal efficiency, ease, and wellness.

Somassage® is not just a technique, but a whole system of structural analysis, directional myofascial release, and applied body mechanics which gives the recipient of this work an experience of their body’s biotensegrity: their relationship to gravity.

You will leave a somassage® feeling decompressed, lengthened, and balanced within your body.

is somassage® right for you?

Whether or not you are familiar with receiving structural integration or rolfing®, somassage® is an outstanding treatment for those who want an introduction to SI, those who are seasoned recipients of this work, or for anyone who wants to explore what structural balance can feel like in their body.

If you have received a 10-series before, somassage® provides a powerful and efficient way to remind your body of its optimal alignment.

Somassage® has a wide application because it:

  • Augments recovery and performance capacity for athletes

  • Alleviates pain from various musculoskeletal conditions

  • Supports stability and mobility in an aging body

You will be taught active movements to aid in release and integration during the session, which will awaken awareness and help you find ease, flow, and levity in your body.

Somassage® is especially effective for treating specific injuries while reinforcing a global awareness of mind-body integration. It is also a common occurrence that, after a somassage®, many aches and pains resolve themselves- absent of any specific treatment work. By balancing your structure, we will unlock your unique heal-ability.

the soma institute of structural integration

Where did Somassage® come from?

Somassage® was developed as a stand-alone therapy by The Soma Institute of Structural Integration®. Formerly the Soma Institute of Neuromuscular Integration®, The Soma Institute was developed in 1977 by Bill Williams, who had a PhD. in Psychology and was an accomplished Rolfer® who studied directly with Ida P. Rolf. A lens of psychology expanded the approach beyond attention to the body’s physical structure and relationship to gravity. The added layer of acknowledging body, mind, and spirit as an inseparable whole system supports the multidimensional human being and distinguishes Soma as the place to learn structural integration.

The Soma Institute is recognized as one of the core schools of SI by the International Association of Structural Integrators (IASI), it is also a state and national massage licensing program. Soma is also accredited and a CE provider with the National Certification Board of Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB) and is licensed by WA State Workforce Training and Education Coordinating Board and the Washington and Oregon Board of Massage.


“When the body gets working appropriately, the force of gravity can flow through. Then, spontaneously the body heals itself.

— Ida P Rolf, PhD, Creator of Rolfing® Structural Integration