why athletic greens is my #1 daily supplement

– written by Brighton Loughlin, Bodyworker and Entrepreneur


we need to clear the air…

Now, there is a myriad of different supplements- in a slough of different forms- that you ‘need’ in order to be healthy and happy, or at least that’s what the current supplement industry here in the U.S. is telling you.

Let us not forget what a ‘supplement’ actually is- an add-on. I’m here to tell you, once again, that you don’t NEED ANYTHING in order to be happy and healthy. Your biology has you fully equipped with these capabilities.

In understanding that our bodies play such a crucial role in our overall well-being, it becomes fascinating the different ways in which we can OPTIMIZE and SIMPLIFY our approach.

This is where supplementation comes in.

It is NOT a one stop shop, magic pill or powder which packs the saving grace that can right all of the wrongs that you might be currently doing to your body. Rather, supplementation is a TOOL that- if used correctly- can profoundly enhance our overall wellness and help us in reaching our goals.

now that we’ve gotten that out of the way…

I want to share with you my story of how I became such a connoisseur of Athletic Greens.

I’ve been in the supplement game since I was a kid. From my mom having these cool and artistic bottles of powders and pills to my friends’ moms having even cooler bottles of supplements, I was drawn into this world of far out images and sometimes even farther out promises to go with them.

It became a personal interest of mine as an early teen when I became interested in holistic skincare. I am a self proclaimed ‘granola boy’ and my wholesome parents had educated me enough to know that an antibiotic-based approach to skincare wasn’t going to give me lasting results.

So I set out on a journey to the google search tab to find my magic pill; a noble pursuit.

I had no idea what I was getting myself into…

One thing is clear: not all supplements are created equal.

Here are some tips for you in navigating this, dare I say, saturated industry:

  • Read the ingredients (Obvious? You’d be surprised!)

  • Avoid supplements with proprietary blends that don’t indicate ratios per ingredient

  • ALWAYS read consumer reviews before making any purchases

  • Look for partnerships and certifications that may be indicative of that company’s value

Anyways, from my teenage years to now I have explored a considerable amount of supplements that aim to support overall well-being. Some tasted like pond scum, and some were so chalky that I couldn’t seem to mix them. I imagine the difficulty of creating an all-in-one supplement that ACTUALLY TASTES GOOD to be considerable. But then one day when I was listening to The Tim Ferris Show, he mentioned using Athletic Greens as his “nutritional insurance.”


Now if you know Tim Ferris or any of his books- The 4 Hour Work Week and The 4 Hour Body to name a few- then you know how much of an absolute expert he is. I’ve been following Tim Ferris for years and I have gained a deep appreciation for his taste in supplements and the companies that he partners with.

So when I saw that Tim Ferris was partnering with Athletic Greens, I knew that I’d struck gold. After jumping over to the Athletic Greens main web page, my excitement was confirmed.

Athletic Greens addressed the main reasons I wanted an all-in-one supplement:

  • To support my nutritional needs every day

  • To encourage a healthy gut that is LOW in inflammation and HIGH in absorptive potential

  • To have a convenient and lasting go-to for when I am traveling or at festivals

  • To keep my energy levels high throughout the day

  • To enhance my athletic performance while also supporting my recovery

It’s hard to find just one supplement that can meet such high demands. Most people with these goals end up with a pantry shelf full of probiotics, prebiotics, an anti-inflammatory supplement like turmeric and an absorptive aide, instant coffees for that post lunch slump, and of course BCAAs with some pre and post workout nutrition.


It exhausts me to think of finding high quality products in each of those categories, making room for them somewhere in my house, and then planning out a monthly budget for such a high gross expense.

Doesn’t it sound EASIER, more CONVENIENT, and CHEAPER to have only ONE supplement for all of those needs?

When I bought my subscription with Athletic Greens, I wasn’t totally sold on them, but I was in a time where I needed something to help boost my performance. Good whole food nutrition wasn’t cutting it because I was consistently lacking in the amount of sleep I was getting. I was working full time at a physical therapy clinic, getting my certification in massage therapy, and trying to build the best body of my life in the meantime.

I was waking up at 5am every day to open the clinic and not getting home until after 10pm at night with an empty stomach. As a growing 20 year old who LOVES to sleep, it felt like I was burning the candle at both ends. I was expending all of this energy every day and I didn’t have the time to nourish my body back to balance.

Whenever we aren’t in good relationship with our mind or body, we lose touch with our wholesome potential. I was in a time where I needed a supplement to help me rebalance my body, and Athletic Greens was that saving grace.

Packing 75 vitamins, minerals, and whole food sourced ingredients, Athletic Greens is a complete all-in-one supplement. They infuse their blend with probiotics and digestive enzymes to help the body absorb and synthesize those key nutrients, which was optimal for me when I would drink it at 5:00am in the morning before work. Its overall design is to support immunity, energy, digestion, and recovery.

Athletic Greens was invaluable for me while living in Bend, Oregon because of its incredible potential in consistently boosting energy levels AND speeding up my recovery from exercise.

But it didn’t stop there…

I got to experience first hand the power of Athletic Greens when I took it with me traveling to, of all places, New Zealand. I spent in total 3 months traveling the entire country of New Zealand. If you haven’t gotten a chance to make the journey across the Pacific, I seriously recommend it. Here is what I consider to be a contender for the best iPhone photo taken in 2019:

Milford Sound, New Zealand

Milford Sound, New Zealand


For those of you who have traveled as a young adult with a limited financial reservoir, you can appreciate the difficulty of balanced nutrition while being constantly on the go. While I appreciate the value of throwing ourselves off balance at times in order to facilitate the process of self discovery, as a health nut I had to come up with methods to maintain as close to an internal state of homeostasis as possible.

Once again, Athletic Greens came to the rescue.

It was extremely convenient for me while on the go, it satiated me when I needed some extra energy, and it greatly enhanced my immunity while being around so many fellow travelers.

So there you have it! That’s my two cents on why Athletic Greens is a worthwhile investment for the modern lifestyle.

“But does it actually taste good?” you might be wondering.


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Athletic Greens info.jpg

“It is my all-in-one nutritional insurance.”

-Tim Ferris, Entrepreneur & Author of The 4 Hour Body.